pondělí 26. září 2016

Aithne loves herself!

Sometimes I wonder, what to do with this blog. Where do I go. I started writing simply to do something more than is neverending ironing and breastfeeding. And I guess that maybe I am not the only one, who is searching for his lifeway. Today evening is very special for Aithne. There was many "I´ve got it!" moments for Aithne. Aithne would love to share it.

Last year was very adventurous for Aithne. You know, Muire was born, Athair left and so on. And Aithne was constantly busy with so much "What if" questions, interior monologues and so many times of dislike for herself and remorses. But today had something happen to Aithne...

Aithne was standing in front of the mirror, starring at herself. At one time she knew she is the one and only, which she can count on. And... Aithne doesn´t think it´s as bad company, as she thought yesterday. She wanted to be more successful in her life, but isn´t it success, that Muire is sleeping in her bad, content and satiated? Isn´t it success, that Muire is really sleeping? Aithne has the biggest ass in hamlet, but should it be still Aithne without that really big ass? No other mother from her friends has so many stretch marks on her belly as Aithne had. Aithne remembers every Muire´s kick, when she was still in her belly. Aithne loves her stretch marks!

Aithne worries about this special moment, what if it will not last forever. Aithne is writing on the mirror with her eye pencil "I love you! What can I do for you today?". Aithne will find out, what is life without her eye pencil.

Woman is the most powerful being Aithne ever met. And so beautiful! Always! And can conjure! But it´s such a pity, that women forgot how to use their spells. Only people are saying, they can´t. And they say, that you will be happy when you get married. And when she will give birth. And when you get better job. And only if she will prove something. And achieve something. Such a shit.

It´s not true. Happiness is here, everytime. Why didn´t Aithne found out before?

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