My dearest and sweetest one,
My beloved Marie,
there is so much I´d love to tell you. Because you are still too small to understand the words I wanna tell you (instead the fact I tell you everyday anyway), I am writing it here for you. This time I am experiencing the beautiful motherhood I was dreaming about all of my life. And few weeks ago I thought this is just something I am not supposed to experience :-).
It´s more than anything to me to wake up everyday and to see you smiling next to me. I love you playing with my hair when drinking your milk. And all of the ordinary, but exceeding everyday moments! It was so funny, but honest when you called me today, when you were oversteping the bottles, estabilishing, that this is what you can´t do by yourself and need mummy´s help :-). When you think of throwing DVD player down, but start shaking your had and saying "no, no, no" immediately, because mommy told you there would be no fairy tales anymore to watch :-).
I will always remember the sad months of my life, when your father told me he doesn´t love me and never he never did and we were staying in the house of your grandma and grandpa. I am sure you don´t remember and I´m like you don´t. Your mother was balancing on the border of mental health on these days. I was worrying about our future, I didn´t know what to do, one time blaming your father and the another time (mostly) blaming myself. I was worrying if it will not leave some consequences on you, who was only 5 months old. But I had the best mate for all this hard time. The most pretty big blue eyes I know and your smile always told me, how much you love me and that you are here for me as I am always for you. You were the only reason I opened my eyes each morning. You were the only one who made me always feel I am loved and very important for someone. I´ll never forget and never stop being so grateful! Thank you my little soulmate!
I love you smiling on everyone who meets you. I am so proud! So proud of you and a little bit proud of myself, that this little beauty full of so much love and hapiness is really MY DAUGHTER.
No matter how far you reached, no matter how independent you will be already soon, for me you will always be the very small cute baby I gave birth to. And my love to you was neverending at that moment and it grows even more every day with you.
With infinite love
Your mom
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