středa 5. října 2016

The power of one small Woman

Oh no. Another lesson for Aithne. Muire has a scar on her lips. Muire is wild and tameless toddler and today has brought her one little gash and one small suture on it. I guess that no mommy wants to see her child bleeding. Aithne is no exception. Athair was much more calm. Aithne wasn´t calm, but she was much more calmer, then she would be some weeks before. She had her weaker moment not only when Muire had been hurted, but it was very tought to see Muire´s big blue eyes frightened when they took her away to suture her wound. Aithne could not be with her in this scary moment. They told her not to be. Maybe it´s ok that way. But it was very sad "only" hearing Muire´s cry behind the doors.

When they returned Muire to Aithne, Muire snuggled into Aithne´s arms, buried her had on her mummy´s chest and stopped crying. Aithne knew, that Muire knows she is safe now. It was very strong for her to feel, that her little princess knows that Aithne didn´t wanted her to suffer and it was simply necessary. Slovak speaking doctor was writing a medical report and Aithne felt so much love from Muire. This moment was so magic, even if everything else was hurting.

Evening came and with it the so unpleasant activity for Muire - sleeping. Muire was sleeping on the way back from hospital, so she was not very tired. So the two lied together in bed, Aithne was talking to her and Muire was answering with her so nice smile and the two beautiful eyes. They both had such a difficult day, but they were so happy having each other.

Muire, you are one such a beautiful being. small in your stature but so strong, that it´s unbelieveable. Only because of you Aithne overcame this unhappy day, with so much advices to care about her child. And she overcame her own shaddow, who came to tell her, she is bad mother. She knows he had been lying. Until she has your love and believe, she loves and believes herself too. 

Thank you so much, Muire! 


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